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Dallas, Texas
United States
$ 700.00
Listed by private seller 6 months ago

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Item Description

La Spaziale Mini Vivaldi 1

La Spaziale Mini Vivaldi 1 P/N T3154 S/N 271406. Very low use machine bought from seller in Italy. 220 V, 50/60 Hz. Used in the US with a step-up/step-down transformer without issue. Cleaned, descaled, new group head gasket (silicone) and water tank filter. Tested and in good working condition. No plastic guard around cupholder. Arrived with only the pod converter for the portafilter, but I have added new brass shower plate to group head, new appropriate basket and blind basket for portafilter and will included additional new group head gasket along with the pod converter set and other group head brass shower plate.