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Marco UC-4

Hot Water Dispenser

Hot Water Dispensers Marco UC-4
Portland, Oregon
United States
$ 1,100.00
Listed by private seller 5 years ago

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Item Description

Marco Ecosmart UC4 Undercounter Water Boiler

1 year old. Lightly used.
Ecosmart UC4 Undercounter Water Boiler
4 litre Ecosmart undercounter unit
Undercounter water management system for space saving applications.
I paid 2,300 for this. Get it for half the cost.
I had this in my cafe for only 1 year. Clean and as good as new.
You wont find one any cheaper than this one.

Ecosmart UC4

4 litre Ecosmart undercounter unit
Undercounter water management system for space saving applications. Versatile, modular framework available with Ecoboiler or Ecosmart options.